by DoWell Equine | Sep 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
Do you want to add Solar lights to your riding arena but really do not know where to start? It is so easy to be overwhelmed with an abundance of information, lighting up your horse arena is one of those jobs that you just want to get right the first time. Largely...
by DoWell Equine | Mar 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
Did you know that Not all lights are the same… & not all electricians understand the difference between lights. Does your electrician know what light you expect on your arena? We aren’t electricians, we are horsey people and know how best to help you...
by DoWell Equine | Jan 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
Whether you are planning a new driveway or upgrading an old one. Ensure you have done your research on all of your options. Geohex is a fabulous choice for residential or rural driveways. It is a plastic grid paver that was designed for the Australian Mine Haul roads,...
by DoWell Equine | Jan 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
Are you looking for that competitive edge this show season? The light your horse is exposed to is one of the most important factors in influencing their body function. The science behind the blue light masks by Equilume is based on the genealogy of horses, and the...
by DoWell Equine | Aug 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
Whether you are in the process of planning a new arena, upgrading an existing arena or creating your own wish list for one day… when you win the lottery ! There are a few major components for which to consider. Will it be an indoor or outdoor arena? Which shed...
by DoWell Equine | Jul 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
Control Mud Permanently with GEOHEX! Looking for a permanent solution to muddy areas that are subjected to continual traffic? We have the solution with Geohex. What is Geohex? – It is an Erosion Control System. Geohex is a unique ground stabilisation...